Chisels, Punches and Rivet Setting Tools
Rivet sets, punches and Chisels for shop and industry use
Flat Cut Chisel SM011-5/8"  Blade width with .401 Shank 6-1/2" OAL
Chisel Flat Cut, 5/8" Blade width with a .401 Shank straight cut chisel for .401 shank air hammers...
Flat Cut Chisel SM011-3/4"  Blade width with .401 Shank 6-1/2" OAL
Chisel Flat Cut, 3/4" Blade width with a .401 Shank straight cut chisel for .401 shank air hammers...
Flat Cut Chisel SM011-12" X 3/4" Blade width with .401 Shank 11" OAL
Chisel Flat Cut, 3/4" Blade width with a .401 Shank straight cut chisel for .401 shank air hammers...
Flat Cut Chisel SM011-18" X 3/4" Blade width with .401 Shank 18" OAL
Chisel Flat Cut, 3/4" Blade width with a .401 Shank straight cut chisel for .401 shank air hammers...
Chisel SM031 Side Cut Rivet Cutter, 5/8" Wide Blade With .401 Shank
Side Cut Rivet Cutter, 5/8" Wide Blade, 6" Long With A .401 Shank The Rivet Buster Chisel
10" Chisel SM032 Side Cut Rivet Cutter, 5/8" Wide Blade With .401 Shank
Side Cut Rivet Cutter, 5/8" Wide Blade, 10" Long With A .401 Shank The Rivet Buster Chisel
Wide Chisel / Scraper 6-1/4" long 1-5/16" Blade Width; .401 Shank
SM905 IS  Wide Chisel / Scraper 6-1/4" long 1-5/16" Blade Width; .401 Shank
Chisel SM0401121 Panel Cutter With .401 Shank
Panel Cutter, 5 3/4" Long With A .401 Shank  Great for cutting Aluminum or light gauge steel 
Tapered Punch for .401 Shank air hammers Knock out punch
Fine Point Tapered Knock Out Punch. 6 1/2" Long With A .401 Shank. For punching out 3/16" diam. rivets ...
Tapered Knock out Punch for .401 Shank air hammers Blunt Point
Blunt Point Tapered Knock Out Punch. 6 1/2" Long With A .401 Shank. Point diam. is .200" for...
HI Shear Rivet Remover 1/4" SMHSRR-8
Hi Shear Rivet Remover 1/4" For removing 1/4" diam. rivets with rubber panel guard
Rivet Set SM945  1" Round Flat Surface Hammer
Flat Surface Hammer With A 1" Round Face And A .401 Shank Qty: 1 Pc
Flat Cut Chisel SM011-5/8"  Blade width with .401 Shank 6-1/2" OAL
Flat Cut Chisel SM011-3/4"  Blade width with .401 Shank 6-1/2" OAL
Flat Cut Chisel SM011-12" X 3/4" Blade width with .401 Shank 11" OAL
Flat Cut Chisel SM011-18" X 3/4" Blade width with .401 Shank 18" OAL
Chisel SM031 Side Cut Rivet Cutter, 5/8" Wide Blade With .401 Shank
10" Chisel SM032 Side Cut Rivet Cutter, 5/8" Wide Blade With .401 Shank
Wide Chisel / Scraper 6-1/4" long 1-5/16" Blade Width; .401 Shank
Chisel SM0401121 Panel Cutter With .401 Shank
Tapered Punch for .401 Shank air hammers Knock out punch
Tapered Knock out Punch for .401 Shank air hammers Blunt Point
HI Shear Rivet Remover 1/4" SMHSRR-8
Rivet Set SM945  1" Round Flat Surface Hammer
Showing: 1-12 of 40